Between the Crocodile and the Kangaroo: UNTAET as a foreign policy actor at the Timor Sea

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Guilherme Moreira Dias


The dream of an independent East Timor was abruptly interrupted by the violent and illegal Indonesian occupation in early 1975, a fact which led to almost complete destruction of the country and the need for an unprecedented multilateral effort to reconstruct it in different dimensions. The challenge of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) to turn ruins and ashes in a viable state was driven beyond their original functions set out in the mandate approved by the UN Security Council. The performance of UN Mission as a foreign policy actor marks a unique moment to study the discipline. Taking the contributions of Goldstein and Keohane as primary reference it is possible to analyze the behavior of the actors involved and the role of ideas and interests of the different parties in the formulation and operation of the initiatives developed in negotiations to redefine the terms of exploitation of the Timor Sea.


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How to Cite
DIAS, G. M. Between the Crocodile and the Kangaroo: UNTAET as a foreign policy actor at the Timor Sea. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 9, n. 36, p. 703-711/713, 9 Dec. 2015.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Guilherme Moreira Dias, Centro Universitário La Salle do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

O Prof. Guilherme Dias realiza doutorado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, alem de possuir graduação e mestrado em Relações Internacionais. Concentra sua produção acadêmica nas áreas de Estudos Africanos e de desenvolvimento. Foi premiado pela Oxford University Press em razão de trabalho apresentado na Convenção Anual da International Studies Association em 2010. No ano de 2012, foi Professor Visitante da Universidade Nacional de Timor Leste. Sua última produção foi o capítulo de título "Responsibility to Protect: New Perspectives to na Old Dilemma", no livro "International Law: Contemporary Issues and Future Developments", da Westview Press.