The word safety as a main topic new perspectives

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Luis Eduardo Chavez Perdomo
Laura Cristina Jiménez Correa


This article shows some definitions and elements found within the concept of security. Therefore, it can be said that there is not only a single applicability of the term. As can be seen, its use has been relegated to refer only to the pursuit of risky enmity and the generation of peaceful environments. However, the concept extends to other different approaches in which the human being, enterprise and state are involved. In this way the basic definitions will be explained directly and then move on to theories that support the broadening of the meaning of that word. In the article mentioned, it is possible to evaluate that the range that acquires the meaning of the word security, requires a study from a multidisciplinary point of view. Therefore, we will consider parameters ranging from theories of psychology to theories of international and state relations. The analysis solidly concludes that the greater inclusion of the different areas contributes to the study of the security area.


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How to Cite
CHAVEZ PERDOMO, L. E.; CORREA, L. C. J. The word safety as a main topic: new perspectives. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 12, n. 44, p. 7-18, 13 Aug. 2018.
Scientific Articles
Author Biographies

Luis Eduardo Chavez Perdomo, War College, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Coronel de Infanteria de Marina de la reserva activa,Profesional en Ciencias Navales y Abogado con Maestría en Derecho Internacional  y Relaciones Exteriores e Internacionales, Especialización en Derecho Marítimo y Estado Mayor y diplomado en temas en Seguridad Marítima, Inteligencia Estratégica, Técnicas y métodos de entrevistas para blancos de alto valor, Derecho Internacional Humanitario y Derechos Humanos; y Proyectos de inversión Estatal y Océano política.

Laura Cristina Jiménez Correa, Escola Pasante

Profissional em Relações Internacionais e Estudos Políticos