Negotiations between governments for the export of defense products the main obstacles and an opportunity for the Brazilian defense diplomacy

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Márcio Dantas Avelino Leite
Álvaro Vasconcelos Studart


The objective of the research was to find opportunities to improve the system for conducting agreements on exports of Brazilian defense products through the government-to-government modality. Defense Diplomacy involves the use of the defense structure in times of peace, as a tool of foreign and security policy, having as one of its practical fields the conquest of markets for the Defense Industry. The work finds its scientific framework in the English school of the international relations, for which Diplomacy is one of the institutions of its international society. Methodologically, a case study of two negotiations conducted in the Ministry of Defense in 2015 was carried out. The main obstacles encountered in these negotiations were analyzed, based on the national legal framework, the lack of agile structures and guarantees, from which opportunities for improvement are discussed. In addition to a brief theoretical framework, a brief overview of the structures of the four main defense exporting countries was also carried out vis a vis theconductionofcontract negotiations in the sector. Finally, it is concluded that there is a need to create a structure capable of coordinating the various state actors, which provide the necessary support and guarantees for government-to-government negotiation and contribute to the strengthening of the Brazilian DIB.


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How to Cite
LEITE, M. D. A.; STUDART, ÁLVARO V. Negotiations between governments for the export of defense products: the main obstacles and an opportunity for the Brazilian defense diplomacy. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 12, n. 45, p. 117-127, 8 Dec. 2018.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Márcio Dantas Avelino Leite, Gabinete do comandante do Exército, Brasília, DF, Brasil

O Tenente-Coronel de Artilharia Márcio Dantas exerce atualmente a função de Comandante do 16º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Autopropulsado, sediado em São Leopoldo - RS. Além dos cursos regulares da carreira, possui os cursos de o curso de Estado-Maior Conjunto e o Curso de Diplomacia de Defesa, realizados na Escola Superior de Guerra. Como oficial de Estado-Maior, compôs o Estado-Maior Conjunto do Centro de Coordenação de Defesa de Área da sede Curitiba para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e foi coordenador do Departamento de Produtos de Defesa da Secretaria de Produtos de Defesa do Ministério da Defesa. (má