The elements of analysis of the culture of innovation in the Defense sector and its three-dimensional model

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Carlos Eduardo Franco Azevedo


Since the end of the Cold War and the events of September 11th, new threats have emerged, impacting the perception of collective security and imposing modifications in the way of the military power of several nations. This phenomenon has been causing a boiling in the military sciences, with reflex in the social, political and economic field, provoking a process known as Transformation of the Defense, which is only viable with the disruption of traditional management models and with the introduction of a new organizational culture that promotes an environment appropriate to the process of innovations in the sector.The current model of the System of Defense Sector Innovations, as pointed out by the investigation, is fragmented and disjointed, producing, at best, incremental innovations and, rarely, those ones related to rupture. The research, with a structuralist epistemological character, aimed to unveil the underlying structurethat gives supports the existing innovation culture in the sectorin a hidden way.Additionally, the concepts of innovations of the Defense sector (technological and doctrinal), were presented of system of innovations and, also the three-dimensional model of analysis, containing elements of the innovation culture of the sector: interests of the agents (illusio), valuation factors of innovation (valorem); support factors (capitis), alliances (alliances) andits benefits (Beneficium).


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How to Cite
FRANCO AZEVEDO, C. E. The elements of analysis of the culture of innovation in the Defense sector and its three-dimensional model. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 12, n. 45, p. 145-167, 8 Dec. 2018.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Franco Azevedo, Escola Superior de Guerra - ESG, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Doutor em Administração pela FGV. Possui graduação em Engenharia pela Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (1991) e mestrado em Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Operações Militares pela Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais (1999) e mestrado em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Comando e Estado Maior do Exército (ECEME). Atualmente é Coronel de engenharia do Exército, professor (instrutor) da Escola de Comando e Estado maior do Exército. Tem experiência na área de Defesa e Planejamento Estratégico, com ênfase em Engenharia de Construção e de Combate. Além disso possui especialização na área de Ciências Políticas e Estratégia, com ênfase em energia e transportes. É pós-graduado em Docência do Ensino Superior pela Universidade Castelo Branco.