The US national defense strategy 2008

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Álvaro de Souza Pinheiro


Released to the public in July 2008 bythe  Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates,the  U.S.  National  Defense  Strategy  2008emphasizes that it is the backbone itself toachieve success in the next years.Defining the Strategic Environment,it  underscores  that  the  future,  on  the  midterm, will be characterized by a global fightagainst a violent extremist ideology whichhas as purpose to destroy the internationalstate  system;  although  it  highlights  that,similarly,  Iran  and  North  Korea  are  alsothreats to that system.Five strategic objectives are defined: To Defend the Homeland; To Win “the LongWar”;   To   Promote   Security;   Deter   theConflict; and To Win the Nation's Wars. Thecurrent Strategy points out that winning the“Long War” against extremist movementsis the U.S. central objective. This will be along irregular campaign; a violent strugglefor legitimacy and to influence people. It'sclear that the prime challenge to be faced isthat materialized by national states and non-states   organizations   that   constitutethemselves  as  threats  to  the  U.S.  nationalsecurity   and   its   allies,   by   theimplementation   of   irregular   warfare'stactics, techniques and procedures. All thatregardless  of  a  larger  prevalence  on  thetraditional battlefield, decision that includeskeeping the nuclear weapons arsenal.The current Strategy also emphasizesthat, because of the strategic environment'svolatility, the establishment of alliances andpartnerships is essential, including those ofopportunity,that   might   congregatepotential adversaries like China and Russiathemselves. Such posture   crushing lyrectifies   the  arrogant  unilateralism of Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary, infavor   of   a  multilateral  posture,  on  thenational security matters.


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PINHEIRO, ÁLVARO DE S. The US national defense strategy 2008. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 19, 11.
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