Challenges of innovation as a strategy for generation of land-based military capabilities

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Fernanda Geórgia de Figueiredo Taborda Barbosa
Aldélio Bueno Caldeira


The generation of military capabilities is a permanent objective for the Armed Forces. In this attempt, innovation emerges as a promising strategy. However, there are challenges to be overcome in order to become innovation an effective tool for generating superior and dynamic combat capabilities. This work intends to identify the challenges for the adoption of innovation, aiming the generation of land-based military capabilities. In this regard, real examples of innovation and innovation management in Armed Forces from different countries were addressed, enabling the verification of the main actions undertaken, mainly in the organizational, scientific and technological scope. As a consequence, it was found that it is necessary to avoid the innovation theater, implementing a culture and an innovation management based on objective and clear actions, pursuing tangible results and considering a systemic approach that synchronizes the cycles of technological innovation, life of PRODE and the capabilities generating factors.


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How to Cite
BARBOSA, F. G. DE F. T.; BUENO CALDEIRA, A. Challenges of innovation as a strategy for generation of land-based military capabilities. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 15, n. 54, p. 273-293, 3 Aug. 2021.
Scientific Articles