Modernity, modernization and english language teaching in the brazilian army

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Alessandra Maciel Ramundo Barbosa


The author examines some apparentlyunifying  phenomena  of  modernity,  such  asthe  dissolution  of  boundaries  promoted  byglobalization,   in   order   to   discuss   the importance  that  language  in  general  and,more specifically, the English language, have assumed lately. Based on institutional guide-lines   on   education   modernization   in   theBrazilian Army, some questions are made asa   contribution   to   the   (re)shaping   of   theEnglish  language's  role  in  the  Land  Force.The author proposes a keener look towardsruptures  as  a  possible  way  to  the   real dissolution of boundaries.


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BARBOSA, A. M. R. Modernity, modernization and english language teaching in the brazilian army. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 19, 11.
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