Cyberspace, Logistics and National Security Threats, Not Necessarily in that Order

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Marcelo Malagutti


Concerns over the potential exploitation of cyberspace vulnerabilities to cause logistical inefficiency in matters of national security have endured for almost a quarter of a century. This article updates the stage of this debate and extends the analysis to the reciprocal threats posed by these three areas. A descriptive methodology, grounded on governmental sources, academic papers and news articles, is used to correlate known threats posed by cyberspace to supply chain, and National Security, one to each other, and their possible impacts.  This article demonstrates that, in addition to the well-debated fact that cyberattacks can exploit existing vulnerabilities at different levels of the increasing automation present in logistics systems, posing new threats that can incapacitate military systems or civilian infrastructures related to national security, there is a growing threat posed by logistics to hardware and software products (or cyberspace) and national security, as well as the weaponization of national security decisions made in some countries endanger the cyber (or not) supply chains of other nations, with repercussions on the development of cyberspace itself.


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How to Cite
MALAGUTTI, M. Cyberspace, Logistics and National Security Threats, Not Necessarily in that Order. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 16, n. 57, p. 417-441, 29 Sep. 2022.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Marcelo Malagutti, Instituto Vegetius. Brasília, DF, Brasil.

Doctor in Military Sciences by the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME); Master in War Studies by King's College London; Graduated in the Higher Studies Course in Politics and Strategy by the Brazilian War College (ESG); MBA in Corporate Strategy by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV); Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science by the University of Brasília (UnB); Awarded the Peacemaker Medal and the Brazilian Army Medal; Software Sector Entrepreneur.