Special Forces of the Guatemalan Army in the fight against drug trafficking

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Mario Castillo


The objective of this essay is to describe the results of the counternarcotics operations of the Guatemalan Army Special Forces. To this end, the methodological orientation that this research work will follow is based on qualitative/descriptive research, applying the inductive method through the collection of updated information and the use of qualitative research instruments, which consists of a bibliographic review of the authors referring to the topics presented, a synthesis of their main concepts and perspectives with the aim of supporting the ideas of the essay and documentary analysis, that is, the search and classification of existing and available documents on the operations of the special forces. The results obtained by the Special Forces of the Guatemalan Army in the period 2018-2020, the successes and errors in the planning, preparation, execution and evaluation of operations, through the use of mission variables, METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Climate, Troops and Available Support, Available Time and Civil Considerations) are exposed to improve the understanding of the situation. In addition, there are exogenous factors in terms of cocaine production in the south of the American continent and its consumption in the north of this. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the results of the use of the Guatemalan Army's Special Forces in the fight against drug trafficking.


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How to Cite
CASTILLO, M. Special Forces of the Guatemalan Army in the fight against drug trafficking. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 16, n. especial, p. 149-165, 10 Sep. 2022.
Scientific Articles