The Taiwan Conflict a strategic and operational analysis

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Walter da Costa Ferreira
Augusto Wagner Menezes Teixeira Júnior


The present article intends to present a strategic and operational analysis of the Taiwan conflict. Currently, the dispute in question is at the stage of a political-strategic crisis. Beyond the China-Taiwan dyad, the complexity of the crisis is stressed by incorporating in its dynamics two rival great nuclear powers: The United States of America and China. In order to assess the possibility of an armed conflict in the Western Pacific region, characterized by a hypothetical invasion of Taiwan or even as a result of the limited use of violence by China, the paper discusses the main strategic and operational aspects implicated in the dispute and the diversified instruments of national power employed by the involved actors, particularly their military apparatus. In conclusion, the article draws inferences about the likely Chinese strategic posture in the face of Taiwanese resistance, strengthened by the political-military support of Washington and its allies.


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How to Cite
FERREIRA, W. DA C.; TEIXEIRA JÚNIOR, A. W. M. The Taiwan Conflict: a strategic and operational analysis. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 17, n. 58, p. 1-25, 26 Jan. 2023.
Scientific Articles
Author Biographies

Walter da Costa Ferreira, Research Group on Strategic Studies and International Security

Infantry Colonel of the Brazilian Army (reserve). Graduated in military sciences by the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN). Master's degree in military operations from the Officer Improvement School (ESAO). Military High Studies Course at the Army Command and General Staff School (ECEME). Collaborator of the Research Group on Strategic Studies and International Security (GEESI/UFPB).

Augusto Wagner Menezes Teixeira Júnior, Federal University of Paraíba

PhD in Political Science in the International Relations Concentration Area from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Master in Political Science and Bachelor in Social Sciences from the same institution. He did post-doctoral training in Military Sciences at the Army Command and General Staff School (ECEME). Associate Professor I of the Department of International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and permanent member of the Graduate Program in Political Science and International Relations (PPGCPRI/UFPB). Researcher at the Center for Strategic Studies of the Brazilian Army (CEEEX), area of Geopolitics and Military Strategies (2018 - 2021). Coordinates the Research Group on Strategic Studies and International Security (GEESI/UFPB /CNPq). Member of the Brazilian Association of Defense Studies (financial director, management 2014 - 2016 / publications director 2020 - 2022). Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Defense Studies (RBED). Participated in programs and courses at the U.S. Department of State (International Security and Non-Proliferation - Study Tour) and the United States Department of Defense (Strategy and Defense Policy Course - National Defense University). Lectured in Extension Courses and Academic Congresses of the Ministry of Defense (Brazil). Research in the concentration area of International Relations, working mainly on the following themes: Strategic Studies, Geopolitics, Defense and International Security, South America and Qualitative Methods Applied to International Relations. He has published articles in journals and communications in the annals of congresses and periodicals on the themes mentioned above. Author of the book Geopolitics: from classical thought to contemporary conflicts (Intersaberes, 2017). Fellow Productivity in Research Level PQ-2 (CNPq Call No. 4/2021 - Research Productivity Fellowships - PQ). Associate Coordinator of the project Missiles and Rockets in National Defense: The Astros System As an Element of Military Transformation, PROCAD-DEFESA 2019. Coordinated the research project How does the Balancing of Russia against the United States affect the Balance of Power of the Brazilian Strategic Surroundings? - UNIVERSAL CALL MCTI/CNPq Nº 01/2016.