Strategic military planning versus strategic corporate planning: methods and results analysis

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Paulo Jorge Rainha
Nuno Manuel Gomes Sousa Rodrigues
José Gomes de Oliveira
Hugo Miguel Moutinho Fernandes
José Miguel da Silva Fernandes e Tavares Duarte
Vitor Manuel Lourenço Ortigão Borges


The study of the military strategic planning and corporate strategic planning is the focus of this paper, specifically, with regard to the analysis methods and results.
In this context, it was divided into three chapters. The first one is devoted to the military strategic planning and the second to the corporate strategic planning. In both chapters, the same methodology was adopted, starting by making a kind of framework of strategic planning and then present the analysis methods and results. Finally, the third chapter elaborates a comparative analysis between the two types of planning and designing the reciprocal contributions between the two realities.
The systematization of the main differences between the two contexts of strategic planning, constitute itself as the main contribution of this paper for future studies, to more easily identify the mutual contributions.

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How to Cite
RAINHA, P. J.; SOUSA RODRIGUES, N. M. G.; GOMES DE OLIVEIRA, J.; FERNANDES, H. M. M.; TAVARES DUARTE, J. M. DA S. F. E; BORGES, V. M. L. O. Strategic military planning versus strategic corporate planning: methods and results analysis. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 8, n. 33, p. 185-194, 9 Jan. 2015.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Paulo Jorge Rainha, Instituto de estudos superiores militares, Lisboa, Portugal

Docente  da Área de Ensino de Administração/ Departamento de Ensino

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