Reflexões sobre segurança

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George Luiz Coelho Cortês


This   article   approaches   possible threats   to   Brazil's   security   which   mayrequire the deployment of the Armed Forcesto neutralize them. The first part shows theworld scenario after the Cold War as well asthe South America panorama. The secondchapter  studies  various  matters  related  tothe  deterrence  capability  of  the  BrazilianState, ranging from tipical public secutiryissues to the Homeland defense,  includingthe action of actors such as NGOs, socialmovements   that   challenge   the   State,factions  of  the  organized  crime  and  other countries. The conclusion indicates matterspertaining  to  deterrence  that  are  of  theinterest of the Armed Forces.


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Cómo citar
CORTÊS, G. L. C. Reflexões sobre segurança. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 19, 11.
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