Knowledge, research and education: the conditions for development

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Sérgio Paulo Muniz Costa


There are several explanations for the degree of economic, social and political development of a given society, but knowledge will always be one of the necessary and obligatory conditions for a nation to know itself, establish sound and reliable institutions, generate wealth and promote equanimity. Often the areas of knowledge application are only those linked to science and technology or technological research and development. It is necessary to broaden the perception of the field of knowledge, as it applies to all forms of political, economic and social action. Knowledge can be produced, applied and developed in different ways. Whereas in primitive societies it emerged experimentally - and often accidentally - and transmitted itself personally, in industrial societies, where the degree of institutionalization is high, it is systematically created and directed toward political, economic and social goals. Appreciated in a broader context, knowledge production appears to be central to the country, capable of inspiring virtuous policies. The commitment and the way to generate it are beyond itself, being in the field of action of decision makers and legislators. There are political, economic and social constraints to be taken into account when promoting a knowledge production environment, but it is closely linked to education, which generates the human resources that will realize it. When so many efforts are being made today to improve education in the country, it might be useful to commit it to the production and application of knowledge, awakening a potentially mobilizing finalistic sense capable of reversing general expectations in Brazilian society. In order to motivate and support the debate on knowledge production in Brazil, this essay, from a succinct historical perspective of knowledge production, presents considerations on the diffusion of scientific research methodology and proposes political, strategic actions. and operational that stimulate it.


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COSTA, S. P. M. Knowledge, research and education: the conditions for development. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 21, 11.
Scientific Articles