The implementation of public policies for national mobilization: the inclusion of the mobilization theme in the defense white paper

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Carlos Eduardo De Franciscis Ramos


This paper deals with the inclusion of the mobilization theme in the National Defense White Paper - LBDN, as part of the adoption of public policies in favor of national mobilization. The LBDN, established by Complementary Law - LC No. 136/2011 is a public document, in book form, which will allow access to the broad context of the National Defense Strategy - NDT, presenting to Brazilian society and the international community. the governmental approach to the theme of national defense. By disseminating and detailing the country's defense policy and strategy, it will be an instrument that generates mutual trust between countries and transparency for all Brazilians. OLBDN will address, among others, issues such as the strategic scenario for the 21st century; national defense policy; the NDT; the modernization of the Armed Forces and the economic support of national defense. National mobilization, an institute present in the Brazilian Magna Carta of 1988 and LC 11.631 / 2007, is a set of activities planned, oriented and undertaken by the State, complementing the national logistics, to enable the country to carry out strategic actions in the field of defense. in the face of foreign aggression. Thus, it is up to the National Mobilization System - SINAMOB, composed of several organs and ministries and having the Ministry of Defense - MD as central body, to act in an orderly and integrated manner in the planning and execution of national mobilization and demobilization. It has been in operation since peacetime, when, through policies and programs, preparatory activities for national defense are carried out. In this sense, the recent approval of the national mobilization policy puts SINAMOB in a new dimension, implying actions for the other members of the system. However, to date, only the MD, also representative of military expression, has made progress in developing a policy of military mobilization and demobilization. Therefore, there is a gap in the operationalization of the procedures of each member of SINAMOB. Given the above, it is unequivocal the opportunity to include the national mobilization theme in the LBDN, due to its unique importance and the transversality of the theme, contributing inseparably to the discussions and dissemination of national defense in Brazil.


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How to Cite
RAMOS, C. E. D. F. The implementation of public policies for national mobilization: the inclusion of the mobilization theme in the defense white paper. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 24, 11.
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