Coordination and planning central categories in interagency relationships

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Thiago Abreu de Figueiredo
Nádia Xavier Moreira


The article reflects, based on a literature review and document analysis, on the coordination and planning categories as central to interagency relations. The study results indicate that cooperation is the most basic level in this type of relationship, given its informality and being based on personal and little institutionalized relationships. Coordination, on the other hand, would be the improvement of cooperation through elaborate arrangements, when agencies would consider the objectives, visions, purposes and desired end states of the other agency in the planning. The second category was worked from theorists and professionals of the interagency environment, who highlighted the importance of relationships to materialize through a planning process that produces an intelligible plan and that increases the chances of success of operations. We conclude that the full interagency relationship effectively materializes when it occurs through joint planning with the participation of all agencies involved in solving the problem.


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How to Cite
ABREU DE FIGUEIREDO, T.; XAVIER MOREIRA, N. Coordination and planning: central categories in interagency relationships. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 16, n. 56, p. 279-293, 11 May 2022.
Scientific Articles
Author Biographies

Thiago Abreu de Figueiredo, Escola Superior de Defesa. Brasília, DF, Brasil.

Mestre em Ciências Navais pela Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN); realizou cursos de Estado-Maior no Brasil pela EGN e no Equador pela Academia de Guerra Naval del Ecuador (AGUENA). Capitão de Fragata (RM1) da Marinha do Brasil, Diretor e Professor do Curso de Coordenação e Planejamento Interagências da Escola Superior de Defesa(ESD), Brasília. E-mail e

Nádia Xavier Moreira, Escola Superior de Defesa. Brasília, DF, Brasil.

Doutora em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); realizou estágio de pósdoutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social do Museu Nacional da UFRJ; Doutoranda
em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de Brasília (UNB). Capitão de Fragata (T) da Marinha do Brasil,
Assistente Social, Professora/Pesquisadora da Escola Superior de Defesa (ESD). E-mail:

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