Capacitação militar para o emprego na nova guerra

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Rejane Pinto Costa


Discussions about the new operational scenario are fraught with tensions that have challenged scholars about the new war (Kaldor, 2005). Thus, understanding the context in which military employment applies, especially to combat ethnic-cultural, religious or tribal groups, is a necessity that is imposed today.
The Revolution of Military Affairs (RAM), in the midst of military postmodernism (MOSKOS, 2000), points out that popular support is among the greatest strategies insurgents or terrorists have in maintaining their positions. Never has conquering hearts and minds, as well as understanding the dynamics that counterinsurgents need to move toward reversing the picture in countries ravaged by conflict, instability and violence, has been so studied and discussed by scholars on this subject.
This study starts from a qualitative research (DENZIN & LINCOLN, 2000), and aims to address the training and employment of Brazilian Army military personnel through the analysis of their speeches, guided by the theoretical framework of multiculturalism (MCLAREN, 1997). , 2000), understand the potentials and gaps that need to be addressed, as well as the challenges to be overcome.


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Cómo citar
COSTA, R. P. Capacitação militar para o emprego na nova guerra. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 26, 19 nov. 2012.