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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 1. I declare that this manuscript is original and unpublished.

  • 2. I declare that this manuscript or other work with substantially similar content:
    a) was not published by another magazine;
    b) is not being evaluated for publication in another journal;
    c) that a possible submission to another journal will only occur after the return of the evaluation;
    d) was not published in event annals.
    * If the manuscript has already been published in event proceedings but the submitted version is substantially modified, please use the "comments to editors" space for clarification / justification and include, during submission, the version of the work already published as "supplementary document" .
  • 3. I confirm reading and adherence to the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Authors Guidelines.
  •  4. I confirm the removal of the explicit or implicit identification from the author(s):
    a) file properties;
    b) in other parts of the text and, where necessary, replaced by the text "the author(s)".
  • 5. I affirm, as responsible for the submission, that:
    a) all authors are fully aware of the performance of this procedure and agree with the content of the manuscript;
    b) all authors explicitly state no conflict of interest.

Thank you for choosing the Coleção Meira Mattos (CMM). The following guidelines are essential to good editorial flow. Please read the instructions carefully to be sure that your article meets all the requirements. We also request that you read and agree with our Ethics Statement (link) before submission. In case of technical questions or difficulties, please contact us (info.cmm@eceme.eb.mil.br).

- Scientific article submissions are open in a continuous flow.
- Professional article submissions are open according to calls.
- The interviews and professional analysis will be selected directly by the editorial team.
- Book review submissions are open in a continuous flow. However, papers must be recent (two-year-maximum publication) and comply with the CMM focus and scope.

Format and template
Papers must be submitted in Word or RTF format, according to templates:
- Scientific and professional articles.
- Book reviews.

Structure of Scientific and Professional Articles
- Language: articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
- Title: the title must be brief, limited to 22 words (including subtitle, if any). We suggest avoiding acronyms that are not widely recognized, special characters, terms or expressions that require explanations for the reader through footnotes.
- Abstract: with a maximum of 150 words in the language of the text and in English (when submitted in Portuguese or Spanish). It must describe the objectives, methodology, results and main implications. The abstract is a fundamental part of the article communication and must mainly contain the results achieved.
- Keywords: five keywords must be included. Consider including at least one keyword that describes the methodology and one that describes the phenomenon under investigation. Do not use unknown acronyms as keywords. Keywords can be composed.
- Tables, graphs, and images: whenever it is possible, use editable formats so that translations can occur directly in the image, graphs, and tables. The quality of the images must be 300dpi when they are not Word/Excel files (tables and graphs). The graphic content should be included just if they provide information that is indispensable for the understanding of the article. If the graphic content has text, choose a size that guarantees its reading on different media (desktop computer, notebook, tablet, or cell phones).
- Limit of words: the article must have between 5000 and 8000 words, including pre-textual elements and references. However, larger or smaller articles may be published as long as they are justified by the content of the contribution.
- Footnotes: the inclusion of notes must be the minimum necessary and only for crucial information. They must be included on the same page as their indication; do not use endnotes. Avoid using notes to refer to citations and favor the use of author-date citations directly in the text. For notes of informative texts available on the Internet that are of interest to the reader and that are not direct or indirect citations such as news, institutional or corporate sites, electronic documents, tables or statistical data, the link and date of access must be indicated, as shown below:

[Explanatory text]. Available at: [site]. Access on: [month day year].

Additional information available on the Brazilian Army’s website. Available at: www.eb.mil.br. Access on: April 2, 2021.

Structure of Book Reviews
- Language: reviews can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
- Title: it must be preceded by the word “Review” and be the same as that of the analyzed work, including subtitles. In the case of a translation, the original title of the work, if any, must be informed as well.
- Tables, graphs and images: must not be included.
- Word limit: the review must have between 1000 and 1500 words. However, larger reviews may be published as long as they are justified by the content of the contribution.
- It must be written only by one author.
- Reviews must be from a two-year-maximum-publication book.
- Books must relate to the CMM focus and scope.

Structure of Interviews
Interviews can be conducted by the editor or by guests linked to the theme. The CMM does not receive interviews ready for evaluation.

The CMM is open to suggestions for names of interviewees and themes relevant to the area of Defense, Security and Military Sciences. Suggestions can be sent to: editor.cmm@eceme.eb.mil.br

Proposed Format
All interviews are conducted in writing by sending initial questions and additional questions if the interviewer deems it relevant to delve deeper into the issue. The interviews have the following guideline:

- Size
* 2500 to 5000 words.

- Presentation
* title decided along with the editorial team;
* interviewee’s brief biography with a focus on the activity of the interview theme;
* photograph of the interviewee’s face;
* interviewer, date of interview and DOI number;
* Copyrights according to the CC-BY attribution adopted by the publication.

- Contextualization
* brief history;
* justification;
* introductory questions on the theme/activity.

- Process
* questions that address the development of the theme/activity;
* legal, political or scientific issues;
* official data, institutional data, estimates and statistics.

- General questions
* According to the interviewer’s direction.

- Final considerations
* Question of synthesis of the interviewee’s view on the theme (if pertinent);
* references.

- Visual resources
* tables, graphs, illustrations and photographs can be included as long as they are relevant to the theme and their authors’ authorization, in addition to complying with the CMM copyright.

Professional Analysis

They are texts published together with thematic dossiers or special/professional volumes, written by decision-makers or professionals in charge of key positions to understand public policies or institutional actions on a given topic. They are made at the invitation of the editors with critical evaluation by their peers. Texts usually collaborate with the topic of the dossier by describing, characterizing, understanding, and/or analyzing a theme or a related case.

Details about the author(s)

All information about the author(s) must be provided only in the metadata filled on the system during the submission of the manuscript. Full name, institutional bond, ORCID and e-mail address must be informed.

We recommended that the manuscript have up to three authors/co-authors. Submissions with more than three authors must be justified during the submission in the “comments to the editor” field.

We request that the authors of scientific articles have at least a master’s degree or similar and that one of the authors have a doctorate, preferably. Professional authors and guests should be individuals of notorious knowledge or hold (or have held) key positions for the interest of the debates around Defense, Security and Military Sciences.

Authorship and Collaborations

The CMM complies with the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) specification system that is maintained by the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI), and adopts taxonomy with 14 different roles that can be attributed either as authorship or contribution. However, due to the characteristics of the area, we consider only five attributions as mandatory, and nine are optional, as shown in the following table:

- Conceptualization: Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims.
- Methodology – Development or design of methodology; creation of models.
- Writing (original draft) – Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation).
- Writing (review & editing) – Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages.

- Data curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.
- Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
-Funding acquisition: Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication.
- Investigation: Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection.
- Project administration: Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution.
- Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools.
- Software: Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
- Supervision: Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the core team.
- Validation: Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs.
- Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/data presentation.

Application (examples):

The attributions of authorship and contributions must be included at the end of the manuscript, according to the following example:

- When all authors are equally responsible for all stages and processes in the preparation of the manuscript, use the following wording:
Authorship and Collaborations: All authors participated in an equivalent manner in the elaboration of the article.

- When there were different responsibilities in the preparation of the manuscript:
Authorship and Collaborations:
Author 1 – conceptualization and wording (original draft);
Author 2 – methodology and wording.

Authorship and Collaborations:
Author 1 – conceptualization and wording (original draft, revision and editing);
Author 2 – methodology and wording (revision and editing);
Author 3 – investigation and formal analysis.

In case of technical questions or difficulties, please contact us (info.cmm@eceme.eb.mil.br).

We emphasize that all authors are responsible for the article published and it is assumed at the time of submission. The attributions collaborate to a more precise identification of the role played by each author in the elaboration of the article, especially in the areas of humanities and social sciences with frequent collaboration between senior and junior researchers, advisors and students.

Other recommendations

- Indication of funding: it must be stated in “considerations to the editor” during the submission, indicating who financed and the number of the process, if any. According to the following structure:

Study/Research financed by [funding agency], through [project/program], [notice/process].


Study financed by the Ministry of Defense and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), through the Program to Support Teaching and Scientific and Technological Research in National Defense (Pró-Defesa), notice 27/2018.

- Supplementary documents: Other documents can be inserted during submission to assist evaluators in the manuscript evaluation process. However, only the article will be published and made available on the journal.

Conflicts of interest

The CMM adopts the definitions and recommendations of FAPESP’s “Code of good scientific practice” (https://fapesp.br/boaspraticas/) on conflicts of interest:

3.4.1. A potential conflict of interest occurs in situations in which the researcher’s due interest in advancing science and interests of another nature, even legitimate ones, can be reasonably perceived as conflicting and prejudicial to the objectivity and impartiality of scientific decisions, regardless of the researcher’s intent or knowledge thereof.
3.4.2. In these situations, based on the nature and gravity of the conflict, the researcher should consider his or her aptitude to make decisions and whether he or she should abstain from making them.
3.4.3. In cases in which the researcher is convinced that a potential conflict of interests will not jeopardize the objectivity and impartiality of his or her scientific decisions, the existence of the conflict should be clearly disclosed to all parties involved in these decisions immediately after these decisions have been made.

Any potential conflict of interest must be declared in the text submitted, together with the respective considerations/justifications.

In the CMM publication areas, we highlight some situations where there may be potential conflicts of interest and which must be carefully evaluated by authors, evaluators and editors. Articles dealing with themes:
- related to the defense industry, especially when dealing with public and private companies by name;
- related to institutions and projects, especially if the author(s) is (are) directly part of the reported process;