Aims and scope

The Coleção Meira Mattos is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes scientific articles related to Military Sciences, Defense, Security, and related themes, which promote dialogue between academics and professionals, integrating matters about the Armed Forces and Society. The journal publishes peer-reviewed scientific and professional articles and, occasionally, other bibliographic products (book reviews and interviews) on current themes of interest to the area.

Frequency: quarterly
     - Scientific articles: continuous flow.
     - Professional articles: according to calls for papers.
     - Interviews: editorial selection, closed for submissions.
     - Book reviews: continuous flow.
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish,
Evaluation system:
     - Scientific/professional articles: double-blind peer review.
     - Interviews: editorial evaluation.
     - Book reviews: editorial evaluation.
Article Processing Charges: free
Deposit Policy (Diadorim): Blue.


Portal Qualis CAPES com falha na busca da CMM


Prezados Leitores e Autores da CMM,

Informamos que o portal Qualis Capes não está recuperando as informações do qualis da Coleção Meira Mattos. Entretanto, a publicação permanece com avaliação A4 no quadriênio 2017-2020.

Segundo informações da CAPES:

"O sistema de buscas por ISSN e título realmente está apresentando algumas inconsistências. O problema já foi reportado a área de TI da CAPES. Esperamos que, em breve, o sistema esteja normalizado. Nesse ínterim, por favor, realize a pesquisa por área de avaliação. Na planilha, é possível localizar os periódicos e seus estratos"

Portanto, pelas planilhas, a CMM pode ser localizada e seu estrato confirmado.

Qualquer dúvida, permanecemos à disposição.


Equipe Editorial

Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares

Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa (RBED) com chamada aberta


Journal of the Brazilian Defense Studies Association - RBED with open call.


The challenges posed by defence, security, migration and borders are among the most pressing for the defense sector in South American countries. There are countless challenges imposed on the international system, directly impacting the behavior of States. Thus, we can list defense, security, migrations, borders, refuge, wars, pandemics, deterrence, territorial disputes, transnational environmental crimes, among countless other topics that directly or indirectly impact the Defense sector. De facto (and de jure) the international system has been changing and defense and border security in South America are no exception, that is, they must also be interpreted in an evolutionary way.

In all South American states, the Armed Forces operate at national borders in different ways, under different legal frameworks and with different functions that sometimes go beyond the restricted scope of external defense. Regional population movements with migrants and other displaced people have demanded actions from the states, which sometimes make use of logistical support from institutions linked to Defense. The Acolhida Operation in Northern Brazil is an example of this.

The diversity of non-state violent actors with transnational networks and actions is another type of challenge to national states, which do not always have at their disposal police bodies capable of responding to these groups alone, requiring interagency operations with the involvement of the Armed Forces. On borders further away from more densely populated urban centers, monitoring and control of the border is carried out by military units. The challenge also extends mainly to the maritime borders of the South Atlantic.

The call seeks to cover two thematic areas linked to National Defense: Integrated Security/Transnational Crimes and Humanitarian Aid/Migrations. These are nuclei from which it will be expected to capture manuscripts that are the result of investigations of the ongoing dynamics on the South American borders.

Thus, this call is looking for scientific articles that discuss the proposed themes, which can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The texts must follow the editorial rules of the Brazilian Journal of Defense Studies informed in the “Guidelines for Authors”, link: Manuscripts will be received by 04/10/2023, with publication expected in the first issue of 2023 of RBED.


Call Link:



Fernando Jose Ludwig (UFT)

Tássio Franchi (ECEME)

Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho (King's College London)

Vol. 18 No. 61 (2024): Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares

Published: 2024-02-18

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